I have a Dremel Idea Builder and I made a OSU symbol for my mom through Solidworks, and when I check on Solidworks it says all faces and edges are valid. But when I load the .stl file into the Dremel 3D program to get it ready to print, sections of the part loose a lot of quality in the football helmet and parts of the pistol. Also when loading the .stl file into Meshmixer, it says there are nonmanifold edges, even though Solidworks says it is all okay. Any help with this issue is much appreciated, thank you in advance!
OSU Symbol.STL (1.06 MB)

Try importing it into another program such as blender and see if the issue still exists, I think blender allows subdivision of the triangles which would allow for you to make it higher quality (may need to do some editing). A different slicer may work as well, I use Cura but I don’t have the Dremel printer so I’m not sure what other slicer is compatible.

Excellent day!

You might also try changing the setting in SW when you convert to .stl. You might try a somewhat finer resolution. To do that; Save As, select .stl file type, click on the options button, set a new resolution, OK, Save. You don’t want to make your resolution too fine or your file size blows up.


I uploaded your model and it came into SW without any errors. What is your print orientation? I should be flat on it’s back. You shouldn’t need that little island on the bottom of the pistol handle either. If you are printing in the vertical position as it imports into SW you have a lot of unsupported features that would require a dual extruder. The Dremel appears to be a single extruder. If you lay it on it’s back I don’t believe you will have a resolution problem at all.