In creating one finds the best means to execute ones ideas with what they have to hand. I believe I did this. However if the term such as 3D printing is a global concept and I ventured into it from a position where I first had to use the internet in order to find out what formats to use in order to get a design printed. Who owns that knowledge? And I am an individual with who had never heard of any of the formats that were presented. This was a complication. Although I had my design in a 3D form by battling with balsa wood again a material I had never used previously. I feel some what protective of my efforts in creating.

Now let me use what I had at the time access to, my computer in order to get this shape digitally.

I use a Mac. Let me try the design software tools, I looked found nothing obvious. I download some 3D modelling/ design software. I will not mention the titles of the softwares I tried to use as this is not about pointing the finger. However none of those programs allow me to create what I had done by hand. The closest programs have some glitches in regards triangulation un beknown to me. The net led me to a program which was a special effect program that do some modelling. This is where my shape after much spatial complication gave me what I was after. This also offered output formats. I can now venture into the world of 3D printing as restricted as it may or not be. My first effort had a scale issue in exporting. What was cm actually exported in mm. No good for me but remedied by some preference settings. Ok let’s go few days later it is done. My user image. Form but its function illusive. Art maybe, geometric yes, symmetrical yes, Platonic? product no but if it exists … in solid form it’s a thing and needs a name. I gave it one. More importantly what is it made from and does that give it more value to another? Those values give more credence to many things whether printed or not. Rant over forgive my trespasses. I could not have done it without some 3D help.