Hi there,

I used to work with the CraftBot a lot, it’s a great printer and it prints in sweet quality! I printed loads of exotic filaments with it e.g. ColorFabb XTCF, XT-20, Flexible filaments etc.

Lately there occurred some issues regarding printing, I tried several things in Craftware. Changing the temperature, foundation extruder adjustment, etc.

Attached you can find a .gif of the CraftBot printing a Marvin, as you can see the print tends to mover upwards while printing. I also attached my CraftWare settings. Hope you can help out.



Hi Dominic,

Did you try to reduce speed, specifically in this area?

I see that you tried already but, you can reduce a little bit the percentage of extrusion like 96%… Not sure if it will change something for the extrusion adjust but you can try :wink:



Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your reply. I tried 95% so I won’t think the 1% makes much difference haha.

Let’s wait for more tips!



I was surprised by the difference between 100% and 96%, believe me :slight_smile:

What filament are you using?

That totally looks like a cooling issue to me.

However I see from the GIF that you’ve got two layer fans - and your settings suggest they’re on 100% except for first 3 layers…is that actually happening, fans definitely coming on?

If so, would recommend slowing things down. You’re at 50 mm/s, I think. Marvin is a fine detailed print designed to be challenging. I think you’ll have better luck at lower speeds, try 30 and 40 mm/s and observe the difference in quality. You might also have a ‘minimum layer time’ setting in your slicer software, try increasing that.

I think the problem will be starting with the first layer of the bridge between marvins legs, and worsening as more layers come on. If thats the case, increase the cooling (if possible) and reduce the speed at this point. That bridge has to be near-perfect. Is your bridge speed the same as the ‘draw’ speed - 50??