
I have a rigidbot 2 with no lcd screen, so I need to print tethered. I was able to get cura 15.04.6 to work by selecting COM4 and a baud rate of 250000. I cannot seem to edit these settings in cura 2.1, and cannot get it so see my rigidbot. Does anyone know what to do?


You should use Octoprint, printing directly from a Desktop computer is a bad idea for numerous reasons, especially if your desktop is Windows.

what a lame answer…

you dont list the reason and cant only point to negative expressions

There is nothing wrong with printing direct… i do that all the time and even for 48+ hour prints… and damm it, i use windows :stuck_out_tongue:

Why not give the man the reason for that he cant edit comport settings?

Cura 2.1.2 was written from scratch and they have not yet added… yet…

So 15.04.6 is the version to use…

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Thanks for your thoughtful reply! I’ll just keep waiting. Hopefully they add the feature soon.