You’d expect that there’d be an easy way to see all threads that you have participated in. Alas there’s not. I would expect to find this on my dashboard but no. Dashboard / Messages looks like the right page but it only shows message personally directed to you. I would hope to find it on Browse Talk. Not there either. You can find your comments listed on your user page where I didn’t suspect it at all and it’s just a cluttered list of all contributions instead of an overview by thread.

There’s also no overview of threads you are following. Weird. You give us a way to bookmark threads but no easy way to view them altogether.

An overview showing threads with your participation and threads followed should be added to Hubs Talk.


Hey @jasu thats fair feedback, we’ll supporting this in the future. For now you can see you activity on your profile page here:



Yep, had noted that in my comment already.

Looking forward to improvements. Good speed.