Just when you thought this month couldn’t get get more epic, we’re bringing in some more good news :slight_smile: 3D Hubs will be featured in Adobe’s upcoming release of Photoshop Creative Cloud, which will go live in June.

Basically, the Photoshop Creative Cloud tools allow 3D designers to start a 3D model from scratch or customize an existing one. With the new 3D Hubs print option, users can export the design directly to your Hub!

Adobe already gave an exclusive preview during 3D Printshow in London.

So make sure to let your designer friends know that next time they can export their files directly at your Hub :wink: We’ll keep you updated as soon as the update goes live!



Awesome, very happy to bring affordable and local 3D Printing to millions of Photoshop users. :slight_smile:


I have recently found a great way to free hand draw object’s into 3D model’s using Photoshop. What a wonderful program.