Hi everybody !

Yesterday evening, I’ve launched a print for a flower pot and sine 3/4 of the print, everything went fine however, at the end, I noticed a “lack of layers…”

I don’t know if it is wrapping (i’m new to this world) but could you identify it and advise me how to resolve this problem with the next printing ?

I just want to add it’s not my first time I am printing with this machine and I have never noticed a trouble like this on other object ( however, the previous objects were all smaller than this one)…

My slicer is Simplify3D, I’ve printed at 205°C for first couple players with bed at 65°C and then 200°C and bed still 65°C for the rest. Layer height 0.3mm with a 0.4mm nozzle.

Looks like that was going to be an awesome print!

This issue is known as “underextrusion” or missed extrusions, and can be caused by a number of things like a partial clog that gets cleared up, the extruder gear slipping, the temperature dropping which causes the plastic to not flow as smoothly through the nozzle.

To help prevent this, you could either print a little hotter, or a bit slower, or both. Adding 5c and reducing the speed by 10-20mm/second may help.

Let me know if this works!

Maddie - 3D Hubs

Hey MaddieG !

Thanks for you answer ! I’ve to admit that due to the object size, i’ve raised the speed from 100% to 120% with the CR-10S device during the print.

However, I’ve printed also an other object in same propotion but with another color (same brand) and I have not noticed any gap !

Now i’m printing with the black color but i’ve raised the temperature from 200°C to 205°C too see what’s going on !

I’ll keep you in touch and many thanks !

Hi again !!

After some prints I have noticed the gap between layers was still visible. I have printed a temperature Tower to check the quality however, for me, the quality is the same from 185 to 210 (printing with K-Camel brown PLA).

The extruder gear was slipping:

  1. I have broaden the spring near the extruder gear.
  2. I have cleaned the extruder gear of small dust.
  3. I have noticed I cannot push filament through the nuzzle by hand when the extruder gear was slipping… So I clean it completely.
  4. I cut the Bowden tube properly with a cutter to have a flat side and strongly pushed it against the nuzzle to avoid clog.
  5. I try to print at 185°C to avoid PLA melt into the hotend

We will see !!!

See you next time !