Hello All,

I am working on applying to become a manufacturing partner on 3dhubs, but was wondering what exactly is required for you hub to be “registered.” In the past I have had small businesses where I had to get a DBA (Doing Business As) and apply for a business licence from the state (California in my case). I was then required to report my earnings and pay state franchise taxes. Can someone clarify what is required to have your business registered and what paperwork must be reported to 3dhubs?



Hello @123dprint4you In brief, to become a Manufacturing Partner a hub must fulfil the following: have a weighted order completion rate of 85%+ (over the last 50 orders), have a hub rating over 4.7 (over last 50 orders), have an average response time under 45 minutes, be a registered business with the ability to provide invoices, have a valid VAT number (EU), operate and review orders within business hours, offer flat-rate shipping and comply with sundry other 3D Hubs branding and confidentiality agreements. source https://all3dp.com/4/3d-hubs-3d-printing-going-fully-b2b-leave-low-activity-makers-behind/?omhide=true&utm_source=Newsletter&utm_campaign=87dad279a1-Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9dffeeddae-87dad279a1-390551117

PD: please you know how register my business - i live in latin america. Thanks