This is my first print using a Da Vinci mini. It’s PLA and I used the “good” setting instead of the “excellent” setting and as you can see there’s not much detail here at all. Any hints, tips, suggestions, or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Gday Ryan maybe your print is to small

the smaller you print things the more the imperfections show up

When printing miniatures I’ve had similar issues with doing things small. My solutions have been to reduce the features on smaller prints so the printer can handle it, have the printer run slower/higher resolution/thinner layers, or make the print piece bigger. Most of the time you can see the feature loss on the slicer

If you did not use support i would highly recommend it just because of the overhangs also if not already set the layer height to .2 or .3 mm

From the picture there are a few things going on.

1) The retraction settings look off, you need to have a slight bit more to prevent the oozing.

2) Also it looks like cooling is an issue as well, either lower the nozzle temp or use a fan on the part.

3) The last thing, is the layer height looks slightly coarse for this small of a print, lower to .1 or .2 or increase the scale of the print.

Try shifting the each of the items independently and then reprint.

Happy Printing!!!

Use the Repetier Firmware and if you have 50$, go for an E3D V6, print quality will be way better :slight_smile: