If you are involved in 3D printing, you might know that this can become very time consuming.

So, just to share some of my experience, and now the year 2017 is over, it’s time for a small recap.

Last year turned out to be a very busy year in terms of 3D printing.

Although 3D printing is (luckily) not my first line of work, it has consumed a lot of time.

I started 2017 with two printers and during the course of the year, I added three more, the last of which I received in December.

During the year, I received 141 order request through 3D Hubs, of which I had to decline 20.

Some of these declines where simply due to the unprintability of the models and some where simply declined because I could not make the time schedule requested. Unfortunately, this included some large orders that I would have liked to print if I had the time and printer available (it was one of the reasons to expand my printer pool).

In total, in 2017 I made 1889 prints, not all of them succesful. These took 8496:16 hours of printing, averaging out at 23:16 hours per day.

If have no idea how 2018 will turn out, but if the last few months are any indication, it will be even more busy than before.


Total profit?

Actually, with all kind of investments in new (larger) printers, I did not really make any profits in 2017.

Should be able to in 2018 though, if I can refrain from buying more equipment that is :slight_smile:

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I feel ya!