I wonder if there is a material that is possible to print with, that will be transparent. I am printing with PLA and ABS and all kind of filament. But sometimes I see on the tube transparent products and don’t quite understand how it’s done… other printers? materials?



There’s simply “transparant filament” out there, but it will not be like glass. What kind of application are you looking at? @ColorFabb @Proto_pasta you guys offer transparant filament?

Check this: 3d Printing Clear Vase, Clear Filament - YouTube

Check this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ7tljQPXkI


Have you taken a look at the T-Glase filament by Taulmann? This is the closest thing to transparent you will probably get with out a resin print.

No, not yet. But that looks like very close to what i a looking for.


Try Colorfabb XT http://colorfabb.com/xt

Buying transparent filament is not so easy. I bought two spools from German RepRap and got two different transparents. I still need to try the colorfabb stuff.

If you want even more transparent prints you can go with something like the Form1.

Ok, thanks. I know that different printers need different configuration but i hope that with better material and different components in the filament one could achieve little more. Will contact Form1 see what they have to offer.

what material is this and sold by who?
